Home > Industry/Domain > Animals > Birds


Any feathered vertebrate.

Contributors in Birds


American Kestrel

Animals; Birds

The American Kestrel (Falco sparverius), sometimes colloquially known as the Sparrow Hawk, is a small falcon, and the only kestrel found in the Americas.


Animals; Birds

The Common Merganser (North American) or Goosander (Eurasian) Mergus merganser is a large duck, of rivers and lakes of forested areas of Europe, northern and central Asia, and North America.

Scaly-sided Merganser

Animals; Birds

The Chinese Merganser or Scaly-sided Merganser (Mergus squamatus) is an endangered typical merganser (genus Mergus). It lives in temperate East Asia, breeding in the north and wintering in the south.

Red-breasted Merganser

Animals; Birds

The Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator) is a diving duck.


Animals; Birds

The Smew (Mergellus albellus) is a small duck, which is somewhat intermediate between the typical mergansers (Mergus) and the goldeneyes (Bucephala). It is the only member of the genus Mergellus.

Hooded Merganser

Animals; Birds

The Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus) is a small duck and is the only member of the genus Lophodytes.

Steller's Eider

Animals; Birds

The Steller's Eider (Polysticta stelleri) is a medium-large sea duck, which breeds along the Arctic coasts of eastern Siberia and Alaska.

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