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Bridge construction and inspection terminologies.

Contributors in Bridge



Construction; Bridge

A tension member serving to suspend an attached member.

Elliptical arch

Construction; Bridge

An arch with a curve that becomes tighter towards the crown.


Construction; Bridge

The undulating motion of a suspended deck caused by wind.

Open spandrell deck arch

Construction; Bridge

An arch bridge is based on the ancient concept of spanning an opening with a curved structural member. The arch transmits the load from the bridge deck to the abutments on both sides of the span and ...


Construction; Bridge

A metal fastener used in pre-1970 construction; made with a rounded preformed head at one end and installed hot into a predrilled or punched hole; the other end was hammered into a similar shaped ...

Public hearing

Construction; Bridge

Meeting held with purpose of receiving public comments on proposed projects.


Construction; Bridge

One of the vertical compression members of a truss that is perpendicular to the bottom chord.

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"War and Peace" (by Leo Tolstoy)

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International Commercial

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