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Buddhism is a religion indigenous to the Indian subcontinent that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, who is commonly known as the Buddha.

Contributors in Buddhism


Shakyamuni Buddha

Religion; Buddhism

The historical Buddha, who lived in the 6th Century BC and was the origin of Buddhism and Buddhist thought.


Religion; Buddhism

An expression is mainly used in Theravada Buddhism to indicate a person who has achieved its ultimate goal, the achievement of nirvana. At death, arhat will be turned off. Arhat, as a person has ...


Religion; Buddhism

The decision and determination to give up suffering and the causes of suffering, to gain liberation. In Theravada, the mental giving-up of attachment to all worldly possessions, status, and even the ...


Religion; Buddhism

Japanese word that means to join the palms (in reverence or respect).


Religion; Buddhism

A disturbing emotion, which views another being, one's own suffering, or situations as negative by their very nature, and aims to get rid of them, by damaging, hurting or striking out against them.


Religion; Buddhism

(Sanskrit) a Buddha Rupa தலையின், representing the Supreme clergy flame above the protuberance.

Amitabha Buddha

Religion; Buddhism

The "Buddha of Infinite Light", he is described in Mahayana sutras and held to dwell in a celestial paradise in the West.

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