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Buddhism is a religion indigenous to the Indian subcontinent that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, who is commonly known as the Buddha.

Contributors in Buddhism



Religion; Buddhism

Meditation, concentration. It is the Sanskrit word of which Ch'an and Zen are Chinese and Japanese transliterations.

Dogen Zenji

Religion; Buddhism

Founder of the Japanese Soto school of Zen, he established Eiheiji, the principal Soto training monastery of Japan. He is the author of the Shobogenzo.


Religion; Buddhism

(Japanese) Spot or place of enlightenment of the Buddha under the bodhi tree; one's own place of enlightenment; the training centre.

Dharma discourse

Religion; Buddhism

Formal talk given by a teacher explicating a koan.


Religion; Buddhism

Literally, "shining one". An inhabitant of the heavenly realms.


Religion; Buddhism

Gotama in Pali, Gautama in Sanskrit. The surname of the Shakya clan into which Shakyamuni was born. Another name for Shakyamuni.

Graduated path

Religion; Buddhism

Teachings outlining the progressive training of the mind leading to enlightenment.

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