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Buddhism is a religion indigenous to the Indian subcontinent that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, who is commonly known as the Buddha.

Contributors in Buddhism


Pali and Pali Canon

Religion; Buddhism

Pali is a dialect of Sanskrit and is thought to be the language the Buddha spoke; it is also the language of Therevada Buddhism. The Pali Canon (of Therevada) is the sacred. Buddhist exts written in ...


Religion; Buddhism

Perfection, ideal virtue. These are the six virtues, or "perfections," that the bodhisattva perfects during his development. They are: generosity, discipline, patience, energy, meditation (jhana) and ...


Religion; Buddhism

Typically an east-Asian multistoried memorial structure, ultimately derived from an elaboration of the upper portions of a stupa.


Religion; Buddhism

A deity which represents the compassion of the Buddha, as worshipped in the Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions.


Religion; Buddhism

A nonstatic phenomenon which is able to bring about the production or arising of something.


Religion; Buddhism

(Sanskrit) A means, device or method; Mahayana terms for practical means to a spiritual end.

an arhat

Religion; Buddhism

(Pali) is worthy of "one" or "pure one"; a man whose mind is free from defilement and thus not intended for further rebirth. The name for the Buddha and the highest level of his noble disciples.

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