Contributors in Butter
Dairy products; Butter
Flavour characteristic associated with using high temperatures in pasteurisation of sweet cream.
Dairy products; Butter
Flavour characteristic attributable to excessive washing of the butter or to a low percentage of fats or volatile acids and other volatile products that help to produce a pleasing butter flavor.
Dairy products; Butter
Flavour characteristic attributable to feed eaten by cows and the flavours being absorbed in the milk and carried through into the butter.
Dairy products; Butter
Flavour characteristic of butter attributable to the action of certain microorganisms or enzymes in the cream before churning, or certain types of feeds and late lactation.
Dairy products; Butter
Foil wrapped portions of salted or unsalted butter packed in trays for food service use.
Dairy products; Butter
Colour in butter comes primarily from the presence of carotene and xanthophyll which are natural compounds present in the feed of cows.
Starter distillate
Dairy products; Butter
Concentrated flavour distillate from lactic acid cultures and other bacterial cultures which may be optionally used in the production of cultured butter.