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Famous characters from video games.
Industry: Video games
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Video games; Characters
Babydmon is a Baby Dragon Digimon whose name and design is derived from a baby and the mythological dragon. Rare for an In-Training Digimon, it has a card in the card game.
Video games; Characters
Baihumon is a Holy Beast Digimon whose names and design are derived from the mythological White Tiger of the West
Video games; Characters
Bommon is a Slime Digimon whose name and design are derived from the cherry bomb.
Video games; Characters
Bombmon is a Slime Digimon whose name and design are derived from the cherry bomb. It is a short-tempered Digimon that easily blows its top at trivial things.
Video games; Characters
Boltmon is an Android Digimon whose name and design are derived from the fictional Frankenstein's monster, with "Bolt" as a reference to that name.
Video games; Characters
Callismon is a Synthetic Beast Digimon whose name and design are derived from the mythological Callisto. It is a Grizzlymon that has been modified by Arkadimon's data.