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Games; Chess

Cheque refers to a King that is being attacked by an enemy piece. The King should move out of check, place another piece between the King and the attacking piece, or the attacking piece must be ...

Fool's mate

Games; Chess

The shortest possible chess game ending in checkmate: 1. g4 e5 (or e6) 2. f4 (or f3) Qh4 mate.

FIDE master

Games; Chess

Title awarded by FIDE and is ranked below International Master.

Figurine notation

Games; Chess

A system of recording the moves of a chess game similar to Algebraic Notation except that small pictures of the pieces and Pawns are substituted for their names. This method has been popularised by ...


Games; Chess

A vertical column of eight squares. This column of squares runs from the top of the board to the bottom. Designated in algebraic notation as the a-file, b-file, c-file, d-file, e-file, f-file, g-file ...

Cheque mate

Games; Chess

An attack against the opponent's King which the King cannot escape. When a player Checkmates his enemy's King, he wins the game.


Games; Chess

The four squares in the geometrical centre of the board. The opening moves are meant to gain control of the center. The "e" and "d" files are the centre files.

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