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Circuit breakers
Industry: Electrical equipment
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Circuit breakers
long-time, short-time and instantaneous (LSI)
Electrical equipment; Circuit breakers
A combination of adjustable trip functions including long-time ampere rating, long-time delay, short-time pickup, short-time delay and defeatable instantaneous pickup.
long-time, short-time, instantaneous and ground-fa
Electrical equipment; Circuit breakers
A combination of adjustable trip functions including long-time ampere rating, long-time delay, short-time pickup, short-time delay, defeatable instantaneous pickup, ground-fault pickup and ...
Electrical equipment; Circuit breakers
installed and functional within a vehicle: on-board computers for aircraft.
Short-circuit delay (STD)
Electrical equipment; Circuit breakers
The length of time the circuit breaker will carry a short circuit (current greater than the short-circuit pickup) before initiating a trip signal.
Short-circuit pickup
Electrical equipment; Circuit breakers
The current level at which the circuit breaker shortcircuit delay function begins timing.
Sensor size
Electrical equipment; Circuit breakers
Maximum ampere rating possible for a specific circuit breaker, based on the size of the current sensor inside the circuit breaker. Sensor size is less than or equal to frame size.
Sensor plug
Electrical equipment; Circuit breakers
A component used with the MICROLOGIC trip system to set the sensor size of a circuit breaker.
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