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Coastal engineering

A branch of civil engineering that applies engineering principles specifically to projects within the coastal zone including areas nearshore, estuary, marine, and shoreline.

Contributors in Coastal engineering

Coastal engineering


Engineering; Coastal engineering

The part of the shore, lying between the crest of the seaward berm (or upper limit of wave wash at high tide) and the ordinary low-water mark, that is ordinarily traversed by the uprush and backrush ...


Engineering; Coastal engineering

Narrow, roughly shore-normal structure built to reduce longshore currents, and/or to trap and retain littoral material. Most groynes are of timber or rock and extend from a seawall, or the backshore, ...

Diffraction of water waves

Engineering; Coastal engineering

The phenomenon by which energy is transmitted laterally along a wave crest. When a part of a train of waves is interrupted by a barrier, such as a breakwater, the effect of diffraction is manifested ...

Neap tide

Engineering; Coastal engineering

Tide of decreased range occurring semimonthly as the result of the moon being in quadrature. The neap range of the tide is the average semidiurnal range occurring at the time of neap tides and is ...

Standard project hurricane (SPH)

Engineering; Coastal engineering

A hypothetical hurricane intended to represent the most severe combination of hurricane parameters that is reasonably characteristic of a specified region, excluding extremely rare combinations. It ...

Sediment transport

Engineering; Coastal engineering

The main agencies by which sedimentary materials are moved are: gravity (gravity transport); running water (rivers and streams); ice (glaciers); wind; the sea (currents and longshore drift). Running ...


Engineering; Coastal engineering

The narrow strip of land in immediate contact with the sea, including the zone between high and low water lines. A shore of unconsolidated material is usually called a beach.. Also used in a general ...

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