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Referring to an artificial, stonelike material used for various structural purposes, that is made from the drying and hardening of cement.

Contributors in Concrete



Building materials; Concrete

The ribbed steel bars installed in foundation concrete walls, footers, and poured in place concrete structures designed to strengthen concrete. Rebar comes in various thickness' and strength grade. ...


Building materials; Concrete

A method of prestressing reinforced concrete in which the steel is stressed before the concrete has hardened and restrained from gaining its unstressed position by bond to the concrete.

Prestressed concrete

Building materials; Concrete

Concrete in which stresses have been introduced which are opposite in sense to those that the structural member will be expected to carry during its use, which may eliminate the need for steel ...

Pre-stressed concrete wire

Building materials; Concrete

Steel wire with a very high tensile strength, used in pre-stressed concrete. The wire is initially stressed close to its tensile strength. Then some of this load is transferred to the concrete, by ...


Building materials; Concrete

A material that increases the workability or consistency of a concrete mixture, mortar or cement paste.

Plastic consistency

Building materials; Concrete

Condition in which concrete, mortar, or cement paste will sustain deformation continuously in any direction without rupture.


Building materials; Concrete

A curb and gutter profile designed to direct water away form the curb. It is also known as a dry-curb or spill-out curb.

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