Contributors in Consoles
Video Kinect
Games; Consoles
Video communication with another player on Xbox LIVE, using either the Xbox LIVE Vision camera or the Kinect Sensor. Formerly video chat.
Ring of light
Games; Consoles
The circle of four lights located on the console and controller used to indicate game and system information.
Kinect Hub
Games; Consoles
The Kinect based dashboard that allows the player to launch experiences (games, movies, Facebook, etc. ).
Kinect Guide
Games; Consoles
The Kinect based guide that appears over a game and allows for social interactions (friends, invites, chat, etc. ).
Xbox 360 Elite
Games; Consoles
The high-end Xbox 360 system that includes a 120-GB hard drive and HDMI port.
Xbox LIVE Indie Games
Games; Consoles
Games that are created by the Xbox community and downloaded from the Xbox LIVE service, typically with a fee to play the full game. Formerly called Community Games.
Xbox Live Gamer Zone
Games; Consoles
An area of Xbox LIVE that caters to a particular style of gameplay. Four zones exist: pro, recreation, family, and underground.