Contributors in Contact lenses
Contact lenses
Radial keratotomy (RK)
Eyewear; Optometry
A surgical procedure that permanently alters the shape of the cornea by placing microscopically thin relaxing incisions in the peripheral cornea. The incisions cause the central portion of the cornea ...
Eyewear; Optometry
The inability or difficulty closing one's eye. This can be caused by Bell's Palsy, trauma, neurosurgery, bacterial infection, stroke, and cosmetic surgery. Common symptoms are severe dry eye and ...
Reading glasses
Eyewear; Optometry
Spectacles that induce a small amount of myopia (nearsighted, shortsighted vision), also called plus lenses. Reading glasses, often called readers, are used temporarily by individuals who are ...
Laser assisted epithelium keratomileusis
Eyewear; Optometry
Laser Assisted Sub-Epithelium Keratomileusis (LASEK) is the detachment of the epithelium with the use of an alcohol solution that softens the epithelium and allows it to be rolled back into a flap. ...
Central island
Eyewear; Optometry
A complication of excimer laser assisted refractive surgery where the laser fails to remove a portion of cornea. If one views the concave area of the ablation like a lake, one can imagine an island ...