Contributors in Contact lenses
Contact lenses
Visual field
Eyewear; Optometry
The area or extent of space visible to an eye in a given position of gaze. The central visual field is directly in front and the target at which we are looking. The peripheral visual field is that ...
Doctorate of osteopathy (DO)
Eyewear; Optometry
A certificate affirming that the holder has achieved the training required to be a medical doctor through a school of osteopathy.
Dominant eye
Eyewear; Optometry
The dominant eye is the eye that looks directly at an object. The non-dominant eye is the eye that looks at an object from the side. Detailed Dominant Eye Information plus download the USAEyes ...
Double image
Eyewear; Optometry
Also called ghosting. If you look at a clock and some of the numbers have a lighter image just off to the side, this is a typical double image problem. Detailed Double Image and Ghosting Information
Vitreous humour
Eyewear; Optometry
The transparent, colourless mass of gel that lies behind lens and in front of retina. W