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Coral reefs
Coral reefs are structures formed from the calcium carbonate secretions of corals. They are colonies of tiny animals in marine areas containing few nutrients.
Industry: Natural environment
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Coral reefs
Natural environment; Coral reefs
Belonging to a thing by its very nature; the essential nature or constitution of a thing; inherent; in and of itself .
Natural environment; Coral reefs
Having a large compact structure without a definable shape.
Decompression stop
Natural environment; Coral reefs
A specified time spent at a specific depth as a scuba diver ascends from a dive for purposes of releasing nitrogen gas from the tissues (nitrogen off-gassing).
Atomic force microscopy (AFM)
Natural environment; Coral reefs
A very high-resolution type of scanning microscopy with resolution of fractions of a nanometer (one nanometer = one billionth of a meter); also called "scanning force microscopy (SFM)".
Published name
Natural environment; Coral reefs
In taxonomy, any name which is printed and circulated, i.e., meets the criteria of publication as stated by the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature; it may be available, unavailable, valid ...
Natural environment; Coral reefs
One of the threadlike "packages" of genes and other DNA in the nucleus of a cell. Different species of organisms have different numbers of chromosomes. In sexually reproducing species, each parent ...