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Coral reefs
Coral reefs are structures formed from the calcium carbonate secretions of corals. They are colonies of tiny animals in marine areas containing few nutrients.
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Coral reefs
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Natural environment; Coral reefs
In taxonomy, a new name which is published to replace an earlier name (and valid only if the latter is preoccupied) and which is expressly proposed as a replacement name; a new name, not to be ...
Natural environment; Coral reefs
One of the dermal bony or cartilaginous struts that support the branchiostegal membranes of fishes. Sometimes called branchiostegal rays, but not to be confused with the fin rays.
Critical depth
Natural environment; Coral reefs
The depth in seawater below which carbon loss through respiration by phytoplankton exceeds carbon gain through photosynthesis; no net phytoplankton production occurs.
Natural environment; Coral reefs
A specialised sensory nerve ending that monitors internal changes in the body brought about by movement and muscular activity. Proprioceptors are located in muscles, tendons, and joint capsules and ...
Natural environment; Coral reefs
A type of stalk that lies in contact with the substrate; in corals, a horizontal polyp outgrowth from which daughter polyps are budded.
Natural environment; Coral reefs
An important coral reef parameter that describes the amount of "wrinkling" or roughness of the reef profile. It is an index of substrate complexity. Areas of high complexity are likely to provide ...