Contributors in Croquet
Pseudo-cannon shot
Sports; Croquet
This is a three ball shot where the croqueted ball moves only a short distance out of the corner.
Go to bed with bisques
Sports; Croquet
When a player loses in a handicap game and still has one or more unused bisques.
Golf style
Sports; Croquet
Refers to the way the mallet is swung. It is swung like a golfer would swing a putter.
Guarded leave
Sports; Croquet
When a player attempts to leave their ball is such a position where it would be difficult for the opposing player to make a play on it.
Cross wire
Sports; Croquet
Basically the same as above except an opponents ball is on each side of a wicket, so a clean shot can't be taken at it.
Crush shot
Sports; Croquet
A shot that is used to force a ball through a wicket when the ball is up against the wicket.