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Contributors in Croquet


Upright style

Sports; Croquet

A style of swinging the mallet that provides power and easy movement.


Sports; Croquet

The metal upright through which the balls are played. Wickets can be either made of wire, or they can be 5/8-inch steel uprights 12 inches high and 3 3/4 inch wide.


Sports; Croquet

The player who is taking their turn. Turns in croquet are decided on by the colour of the balls: blue, black, red and yellow.


Sports; Croquet

The motion of the mallet starting with the backstroke and ending with the follow-through. A stroke is counted if the ball is hit or not.


Sports; Croquet

When a ball is blocking the line or path that a striker would like to use to hit another ball.

Take-off shot

Sports; Croquet

A shot where the strikers ball travels a long way, but the croqueted ball moves hardly at all.

Taking croquet

Sports; Croquet

A player will place two balls in order to play a croquet shot.

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