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Cultural anthropology

Of or pertaining to the branch of anthropology that examines culture as a scientifically meaningful concept.

Contributors in Cultural anthropology

Cultural anthropology


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A rapid excavation procedure in which the site matrix is shovelled directly through a screen (usually 1/4" mesh).


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A ranked group within a stratified society characterised by achieved status and considerable social mobility.


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A similarity that is not homologous. Homoplasy can arise from parallelism, convergence, analogy, and chance.


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A simple form of agriculture based on the working of small plots of land without draught animals, plows, or irrigation; also called extensive agriculture.

Quarry site

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A site where lithic raw materials have been mined.


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A site is said to be multi-component when it shows evidence of 2 or more distinctive cultural occupations.


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A site in the operon to which a repressor can bind, shutting off transcription of structural genes in the operon.

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