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DNA forensics
The application of the science of DNA to analyze evidence involved in criminal and civil litigation.
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DNA forensics
Preferential amplification
Legal services; DNA forensics
Imbalanced amplification or lack of amplification at a locus.
Trace evidence
Legal services; DNA forensics
Physical evidence that results from the transfer of small quantities of materials (e.g., hair, textile fibers, paint chips, glass fragments, gunshot residue particles).
Jury trial
Legal services; DNA forensics
A civil or criminal trial in which a jury decides any disputed issues of fact. The number of jurors is usually 12 in a criminal trial; the number varies from state to state in a civil trial.
Threshold value
Legal services; DNA forensics
A relative fluorescent unit (RFU) value that must be exceeded to make an allele call. This value will vary among laboratories.
Legal services; DNA forensics
Allowing the passage of light, yet diffusing it so as not to render bodies lying beyond clearly visible; semi-transparent.
Legal services; DNA forensics
Having the property of transmitting light, so as to render bodies lying beyond completely visible.
Legal services; DNA forensics
A disease condition characterised by longitudinal splitting or fraying of the hair shaft.