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Database applications
Software that facilitates communication between a human user and a database.
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Database applications
Software; Database applications
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. An industry-standard protocol used to deliver messages between computers over the network. TCP/IP support is included in Mac OS X.
Java application programming interfaces for integrated networks (JAIN)
Software; Database applications
A set of Java technology-based APIs that support rapid development of telecom products and services on the Java platform.
Java database connectivity (JDBC)
Software; Database applications
An industry standard for database and Java platform connectivity providing a call-level API for SQL-based database access.
Java management API (JMAPI)
Software; Database applications
A collection of Java programming language classes and interfaces that allow developers to build system, network, and service-management applications.
Java naming and directory interface (JNDI)
Software; Database applications
In Java, a set of APIs that assist with the interfacing to multiple naming and directory services.
Java remote method invocation (JRMI)
Software; Database applications
In Java, a distributed object model in which the methods of a remote object can be invoked from other Java virtual machines, possibly residing on different hosts.
Java runtime environment (JRE)
Software; Database applications
A subset of the Java Development Kit for redistributing the runtime environment alone. The Java runtime environment consists of the Java virtual machine, the Java core classes, and supporting files.