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Database applications

Software that facilitates communication between a human user and a database.

Contributors in Database applications

Database applications

Meta object facility (MOF)

Software; Database applications

The Object Management Group's (OMG's) adopted standard for modelling metadata and representing it as CORBA objects.

Common object request broker architecture (CORBA)

Software; Database applications

A language-independent distributed object model specified by the Object Management Group (OMG).

Summary table

Software; Database applications

A data structure in a data warehouse that contains summarized, or aggregated, facts.

Common warehouse metadata interchange (CWMI)

Software; Database applications

A standard specification to enable the interchange of warehouse metadata among data management and analysis tools and among warehouse metadata repositories. Oracle is a member of a multivendor ...

Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP)

Software; Database applications

A shared-everything hardware and software architecture where memory and disc controllers are accessible to all CPUs.


Software; Database applications

An architectural component of a data warehouse that resides between the warehouse data and the user and contains metadata.

Common warehouse model (CWM)

Software; Database applications

Oracle's open standard for data warehousing. CWM integrates all aspects of warehousing, incorporating both technical and business metadata.

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