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Diabetes treatment

Diabetes prevention and treatment.

Contributors in Diabetes treatment

Diabetes treatment


Health care; Diabetes treatment

An ingredient in hot peppers that can be found in ointment form for use on the skin to relieve pain from diabetic neuropathy.


Health care; Diabetes treatment

An increase in fluid pressure inside the eye that may lead to vision loss.


Health care; Diabetes treatment

An extra amount of insulin taken to cover an expected rise in blood glucose, often related to a meal or snack.

Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome (HHNS)

Health care; Diabetes treatment

An emergency condition in which one's blood glucose level is very high and ketones are not present in the blood or urine. If hhns is not treated, it can lead to coma or death.

Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)

Health care; Diabetes treatment

An emergency condition in which extremely high blood glucose levels, along with a severe lack of insulin, result in the breakdown of body fat for energy and an accumulation of ketones in the blood ...


Health care; Diabetes treatment

An above-normal body weight; having a body mass index of 25 to 29.

Peripheral arterial disease (PAD)

Health care; Diabetes treatment

Also called peripheral vascular disease; a condition in which the large blood vessels of the legs are narrowed or blocked by fatty deposits, decreasing blood flow to the legs and feet. Pad increases ...

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