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Digital Signal Processors (DSP)

Contributors in Digital Signal Processors (DSP)

Digital Signal Processors (DSP)

Context save/restore

Semiconductors; Digital Signal Processors (DSP)

A save and/or restore of system status (status registers, accumulator, product register, temporary register, hardware stack, auxiliary registers, etc.) when the device enters and/or exits a ...

Enable extra index register (NDX) bit

Semiconductors; Digital Signal Processors (DSP)

A field that determines if a modification or write to auxiliary register 0 (AR0) also modifies or writes to the index register (INDX) and the auxiliary register compare register (ARCR) to maintain ...

Thread of execution

Semiconductors; Digital Signal Processors (DSP)

A schedulable unit of execution in a multitasking system. The term refers specifically to the progressive execution of a programme element; it excludes other attributes, such as the system resources ...

Internal transmit clock division factor (CLKDV) bits

Semiconductors; Digital Signal Processors (DSP)

A field that determines the internal transmit clock duty cycle. At reset, CLKDV = 00011. These bits are stored in the buffered serial port (BSP) control extension register (SPCE).

Graphical user interface (GUI)

Semiconductors; Digital Signal Processors (DSP)

A screen format that provides windows, menus, dialogue boxes, icons, lists, and options that allow you to start a programme or perform a task by pointing to a pictorial representation, selecting an ...

Frame synchronisation polarity (FSP) bit

Semiconductors; Digital Signal Processors (DSP)

A field that determines the status of the frame synchronisation pulses. At reset, FSP = 0. This bit is stored in the BSP control extension register (SPCE).

Current-field cursor

Semiconductors; Digital Signal Processors (DSP)

A screen icon that identifies the current field in the active window.

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