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The final termination of a marriage by canceling all legal duties and responsibilities of the marriage and dissolving matrimony bonds between the parties.
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Personal life; Divorce
The legal document with which one spouse relinquishes a known right, claim, or privilege.
Personal life; Divorce
Written or verbal appeals to the court for some sort of temporary relief, such as maintenance, child support, attorney's fees, etc.
Motion to modify
Personal life; Divorce
A motion put before the court requesting that changes be made in physical or legal custody, or in child support payments, thus modifying the existing arrangement.
Personal life; Divorce
A non-adversarial process in which two or more parties work through discussion and compromise toward agreement with the aid of a neutral party, or Mediator. In Divorce Mediation, the Mediator works ...
Marital property
Personal life; Divorce
Property that was acquired after the marriage. Sometimes called community property.
Lump-sum alimony
Personal life; Divorce
Alimony or spousal support paid in one lump sum instead of periodic payments over time.
Joint physical custody
Personal life; Divorce
A situation wherein the child spends time sleeping in both parents' homes.