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Any member of the family Canidae of the order Carnivora. Includes the domestic dog, Canis familiaris, many wild dogs, foxes, fennecs, jackals and wolves.

Contributors in Dogs



Animals; Dogs

The angle of the shoulder blade as compared with the vertical plane viewed from the side.


Animals; Dogs

A strap, cord, or chain attached to the collar or harness, or sometimes simply around the neck, for the purpose of restraining or leading the dog. Also called leash.

Spike tail

Animals; Dogs

Straight, short tail that tapers rapidly along its length.

Companion dog excellent (CDX)

Animals; Dogs

A title conferred on a dog by the AKC as a result of having won certain minimum scores in Open classes at a specified number of AKC-licensed or -member obedience trials.


Animals; Dogs

A flat foot with toes spreading. Open foot, open-toed.


Animals; Dogs

Health as shown by the coat, skin, general appearance, and behavior.


Animals; Dogs

Used to describe pointers, this colour is a brilliant, medium-saturated yellow. colour definitions may vary by breed. Always cheque the breed standard for the definitive colour description.

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