Home > Industry/Domain > Oil & gas > Drilling


Of or relating to the penetration of the Earth's surface in order to extract petroleum oil.

Contributors in Drilling



Oil & gas; Drilling

Also called hydraulic fracturing, fracking is the process to extract natural gas by pumping chemically treated water and sand into a drilled well to crack shale rock, releasing natural gas trapped ...

Cement plug

Oil & gas; Drilling

1. a portion of cement placed at some point in the wellbore to seal it. 2. a wiper plug. See cementing.

Rathole rig

Oil & gas; Drilling

A small, usually truck-mounted rig, the purpose of which is to drill ratholes for regular drilling rigs that will be moved in later. A rathole rig may also drill the top part of the hole, the ...

Cement hydration

Oil & gas; Drilling

Reaction with water that begins when water is added to powdered cement. The cement gradually sets to a solid.

Rathole connexion

Oil & gas; Drilling

The addition of a length of drill pipe or tubing to the active string using the rathole instead of the mousehole, which is the more common connection. Compare mousehole connection.


Oil & gas; Drilling

The turning force that is applied to a shaft or other rotary mechanism to cause it to rotate or tend to do so. Torque is measured in foot-pounds, joules, newton-metres, and so forth.

Cement casing

Oil & gas; Drilling

To fill the annulus between the casing and wall of the hole with cement to support the casing and prevent fluid migration between permeable zones.

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