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Drug rehabilitation
The processes of medical and/or psychotherapeutic treatment for the dependency on alcohol or narcotic drugs.
Industry: Health care
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Drug rehabilitation
adrenal gland
Health care; Drug rehabilitation
A small gland in the body that releases a variety of hormones that help us deal with stress. Two of these hormones, epinephrine and norepinephrine, are also part of the flight-or-fight response. ...
fight-or-flight response
Health care; Drug rehabilitation
An automatic response of our body that prepares us to act to save ourselves when we become excited or scared.
organic solvents
Health care; Drug rehabilitation
One class of inhalants that includes substances such as gasoline, paint thinner, and glue. Organic solvents are neurotoxic because they dissolve fatty substances, including the axon's myeline sheath.
Alzheimer's disease
Health care; Drug rehabilitation
A degenerative disease in which neurons of the brain die, leading to the loss of the ability to think, learn and remember (dementia).
Long-term memory circuit
Health care; Drug rehabilitation
The brain circuit, including the cerebral cortex and hippocampus, which enables the brain to lay down and store memories in the cortex.
Operant conditioning
Health care; Drug rehabilitation
An unconscious form of learning in which a behaviour is linked to a specific stimulus through a process of reinforcement.
Brain stem
Health care; Drug rehabilitation
The relatively primitive brain structure that starts where our spinal cord enters our head. Neurons within the brain stem control basic functions such as heart rate and breathing.