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Egyptian history

Contributors in Egyptian history

Egyptian history


History; Egyptian history

The tent of purification. This is the place where mummification was preformed.


History; Egyptian history

This is the heart. The Egyptians believed the heart was the centre of all consciousness, even the centre of life itself. When someone died it was said that their "heart had departed. " It was the ...


History; Egyptian history

A protective amulet invoking the divine favor. It was usually worn on a string of beads at the back of the neck, probably as a counterpoise to items of jewellery worn in front. Many of these amulets ...


History; Egyptian history

The concept of order, truth, regularity and justice which was all important to the ancient Egyptians. It was the duty of the pharaohs to uphold maat.


History; Egyptian history

A symbol of birth and dawn; it was thought to have been the cradle of the sun on the first morning of creation, rising from the primaeval waters. The lotus was a common architectural motif, ...

Lector priest

History; Egyptian history

It translates as "One who bears the ritual book". This priests function was to recite from the ritual texts.


History; Egyptian history

A spiritual entity often mentioned in association with the ba. It was viewed as an entirely spiritual and absolutely immortal being.

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