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Electronic engineering
Electronic engineering is an engineering discipline focused on the design, fabrication, testing and operation of circuits, electronic components, devices, and systems.
Industry: Engineering
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Electronic engineering
Engineering; Electronic engineering
Operating in opposite directions as selected (e.g., a double-throw relay or switch).
A station
Engineering; Electronic engineering
One of the two stations in the transmitting system of LORAN (long-range navigation).
B channel
Engineering; Electronic engineering
One of the channels of a two-channel stereophonic system. Compare a channel.
Digital sound
Engineering; Electronic engineering
Sound recording and reproduction accomplished with digital, rather than analog, signals. Advantages include wideband frequency response, superior dynamic range, and relative immunity to noise.
Amplitude-modulation noise
Engineering; Electronic engineering
Spurious amplitude modulation of a carrier wave by extraneous signals and random impulses, rather than by the intended data-containing signal.
Atmospheric electricity
Engineering; Electronic engineering
Static electricity present in the atmosphere, which evidences itself in disturbance of radio communications and in displays of lightning.