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Energy trade

Research, market data and analysis for energy trade.

Contributors in Energy trade

Energy trade

Green Investment Scheme (GIS)

Energy; Energy trade

Schemes put in place by national governments to ensure that the proceeds from selling "hot air" under the Kyoto Protocol are used for environmental benefit.

International Transaction Log (ITL)

Energy; Energy trade

The UNFCCC's ITL tracks and verifies transactions of GHG allowances and offsets via national registries to ensure they are consistent with the Kyoto Protocol.

Biomass conversion

Energy; Energy trade

The process by which organic materials, such as wood waste or garbage, are burned for direct energy or electrical generation, or by which these materials are converted to synthetic natural gas.

Petroleum Allocation for defence District (PADD)

Energy; Energy trade

A group of five geographic areas in the US used in reference to petroleum distribution.


Energy; Energy trade

The procedure by which an option holder takes up the rights to the contract and is delivered a long (call) or short (put) futures position by the grantor at a fixed price.


Energy; Energy trade

UK regulatory body which oversees electricity and gas trade, pipelines and the power grid. Located in London. Combines the former Offer and Ofgas regulators.

Clean development mechanism

Energy; Energy trade

A UN scheme set up under the Kyoto Protocol to allow industrialised countries to invest in greenhouse gas emissions reduction projects in developing countries in return for tradable offset credits ...

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