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Energy trade

Research, market data and analysis for energy trade.

Contributors in Energy trade

Energy trade

Sulphurhexafluoride (SF6)

Energy; Energy trade

A powerful greenhouse gas used in high voltage electrical insulation, and in medical applications, among others.

Parts per million (PPM)

Energy; Energy trade

Typically used to designate amount of metals or other impurities in refined oil products.


Energy; Energy trade

Light load hours. The time of the day when an power system would experience its lightest load, usually in the middle of the night.


Energy; Energy trade

A unit of heating value equal to ten therms or 1-mil Btus (1 MMBtu). Very roughly, 1Mcf = 1 MMBtu = 1Dt.

West Texas intermediate crude oil (WTI)

Energy; Energy trade

WTI crude is deemed to be traded at Cushing, Oklahoma. Traders typically refer to the NYMEX Light Sweet Crude futures contract as the WTI contract, although the contract allows delivery of other ...


Energy; Energy trade

Material rejected from a mill after most of the recoverable valuable minerals have been extracted. Confined in a tailings pond, the main function of which is to allow enough time for heavy metals to ...

Stranded investment/stranded costs

Energy; Energy trade

An investment with a cost recovery schedule that was initially approved by regulatory action that subsequent regulatory action or market forces has rendered not practically recoverable. Costs that ...

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Man's Best Friend

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