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Of or pertaining to the change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.

Contributors in Evolution



Archaeology; Evolution

A mollusk that has a two-part hinged shell. Bivalves include clams, oysters, scallops, mussels, and other shellfish.

Homeotic mutation

Archaeology; Evolution

A mutation causing one structure of an organism to grow in the place appropriate to another. For example, in the mutation called "antennapedia" in the fruit fly, a foot grows in the antennal socket.

Don Johanson

Archaeology; Evolution

A palaeontologist and founder of the Institute for Human Origins. Johanson discovered Lucy (at that time the oldest, most complete hominid skeleton known) in 1974, and the following year unearthed ...

Niles Eldredge

Archaeology; Evolution

A palaeontologist and evolutionary biologist with the American Museum of Natural History, Eldredge, together with Stephen Jay Gould, proposed the theory of punctuated equilibria, providing ...

Tim White

Archaeology; Evolution

A paleoanthropologist with University of California, Berkeley's Laboratory for Human Evolutionary Studies, White is known for his meticulous fieldwork and analysis investigating early hominid ...

Yohannes Haile Selassie

Archaeology; Evolution

A paleoanthropologist who, while doing field work in Ethiopia for his doctoral dissertation at the University of California, Berkeley, discovered Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba, a bipedal hominid dated ...

Maeve Leakey

Archaeology; Evolution

A paleoanthropologist at the National Museums of Kenya, Maeve is the discoverer of Kenyanthropus platyops and Australopithecus anamensis. She is married to Richard Leakey.

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