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Contributors in Fiction



Literature; Fiction

Soil microphytes that feed on decaying organic matter.


Literature; Fiction

A large, high-elevation plateau in the northwest of Veran between the Tezanith and Gemarin river valleys and north of the Kingsroad. The climate is sub-temperate grassland with the exception of the ...


Literature; Fiction

A common plant in the lowlands, slightly less so in the mountains, rare on the Peninsula and the Islands. Phototropic pods open in darkness to present the plant's reproductive systems to night-flying ...


Literature; Fiction

Herbivorous chindi common in temperate prairie and lowland hill zones, many subspecies. Several species have been domesticated or semi-domesticated and are kept for meat and dairy produce.


Literature; Fiction

Nonskeletal, hermaphroditic organisms of swamps and wetlands. Some species achieve a kind of flight/gliding through extensible membranes. All quite venomous, carnivorous.


Literature; Fiction

Religio-philosophic concept among Veran Believers, encompassing the active principle of human consciousness.


Literature; Fiction

The Great House that guards the central eastern Coasts, a seafaring House.

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