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Contributors in Fiction



Literature; Fiction

A humorous, mocking imitation of a literary work, sometimes sarcastic, but often playful and even respectful in its playful imitation


Literature; Fiction

The endowment of inanimate objects or abstract concepts with animate or living qualities. An example: The yellow leaves flaunted their colour gaily in the breeze. Wordsworth's "I wandered lonely as a ...


Literature; Fiction

A brief storey that teaches a lesson often ethical or spiritual. See Fable.


Literature; Fiction

An intensification of the conflict in a storey or play. Complication builds up, accumulates, and develops the primary or central conflict in a literary work."


Literature; Fiction

A figure of speech involving a comparison between unlike things using like, as, or as though. An example: My love is like a red, red rose.


Literature; Fiction

The way an author chooses words, arranges them in sentences or in lines of dialogue or verse, and develops ideas and actions with description, imagery, and other literary techniques. See Connotation, ...


Literature; Fiction

What a storey or play is about; to be distinguished from plot and theme.

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