Home > Industry/Domain > Personal life > Funeral
Ceremony for servicing, celebrating, and remembering the life of a deceased person.
Industry: Personal life
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Burial certificate
Personal life; Funeral
A legal paper issued by the local government authorising burial. The permit may authorise earth burial or cremation or removal to a distant point.
Burial permit
Personal life; Funeral
A legal paper issued by the local government authorising burial. The permit may authorise earth burial or cremation or removal to a distant point.
Burial insurance
Personal life; Funeral
Insurance policy that pays out in funeral services and merchandise instead of cash.
Personal life; Funeral
Public official and sometimes a constitutional officer with the duty of investigating the cause of death if it appears to be other than natural causes or if no physician was in attendance for a time ...
Committal service
Personal life; Funeral
The final portion of the funeral service at which time the deceased is interred or entombed.
Personal life; Funeral
A pressboard or fiberboard box the size of a casket usually used for immediate/direct cremations; alternative container.