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Contributors in Gemstones



Fashion; General jewelry

(color zoning) A term that describes the uneven distribution of colour in a gemstone. Zoning is best seen when looking at the stone through the top table facet.

Step cut

Fashion; General jewelry

A gem cut with rectangular facets along the perimeter.

Synthetic (gemstone)

Fashion; General jewelry

A synthetic gemstone is man-made rather than mined from the earth. Natural gemstones which are treated by industry-accepted methods such as heat or irradiation are not classified as synthetic.


Fashion; General jewelry

The flat top part of a gemstone. The table is the largest facet.


Fashion; General jewelry

One of 3 characteristics used to describe the appearance of color. Tone refers to the lightness or value of the lightness in a particular stone. See also Saturation and Hue.


Fashion; General jewelry

A property of a stone that will show three colours or shades of the same colour when the stone is viewed through a dichroscope.

Trillion cut

Fashion; General jewelry

A faceted cut in a triangular shape with 44 facets.

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