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General nature or nature terms.

Contributors in General


Atomic number

Biology; General

The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.

Deed-in-lieu (of foreclosure)

Real estate; General

A document given by a borrower to a lender, transferring title of the property. Often used to avoid credit-damaging foreclosure procedures.

Title search

Real estate; General

An examination of the public records to determine what, if any, defects there are in the chain of title.

Antagonistic muscles

Biology; General

A pair of muscles that work to produce opposite effects&emdash;one contracts as the other relaxes: for example, the bicep and tricep muscles on opposite sides of your upper arm.


Biology; General

Drastic short-term reductions in population size caused by natural disasters, disease, or predators; can lead to random changes in the population's gene pool.


Real estate; General

The pipe that water moves through to reach the ground from the rain gutter.

Uniform standards of professional appraisal practise (USPAP)

Real estate; General

Developed in 1986 by the Ad Hoc Committee on Uniform Standards and copyrighted in 1987 by The Appraisal Foundation, USPAP forms the guidelines followed by every licenced and certified real estate ...

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