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General agriculture

General terms related to agriculture that do not fit any other product category.

Contributors in General agriculture

General agriculture

Water birds

Agriculture; General agriculture

Aquatic birds living in freshwater or marine habitats, capable of floating, wading, swimming or diving.


Agriculture; General agriculture

An organism that has mutated and has lost its ability to synthesise substances required for its growth and metabolism. The mutant organism requires specific substances as a nutritional supplement in ...


Agriculture; General agriculture

A body weight considered insufficient to maintain overall health. Often defined as a Body Mass Index (BMI) less than 18.5.


Agriculture; General agriculture

Substances elaborated by specific strains of bacteria that are lethal against other strains of the same or related species. They are protein or lipopolysaccharide-protein complexes used in taxonomy ...

Thermoduric bacteria

Agriculture; General agriculture

Bacteria capable of surviving high temperatures, especially those of pasteurization.

Product authenticity

Agriculture; General agriculture

The degree to which a product meets the standards for quality, composition and manufacture.


Agriculture; General agriculture

A machine used in the timber industry that carries logs from the felling site to a roadside for transport without dragging them on the ground.

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