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General archaeology
Terms and definitions of archaeology -- the study of human society through the analysis of artifacts, architecture, biofacts and cultural landscapes.
Industry: Archaeology
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General archaeology
World system
Archaeology; General archaeology
A term coined by the historian Wallerstein to designate an economic unit, articulated by trade networks extending far beyond the boundaries of individual political units (nation states), and linking ...
Test excavation
Archaeology; General archaeology
A small exploratory "dig" designed to determine a site's depth, and contents prior to major excavation.
Cultural deposit
Archaeology; General archaeology
Sediments and materials laid down by, or heavily modified by, human activity.
Archaeomagnetic dating
Archaeology; General archaeology
Sometimes referred to as paleomagnetic dating. it is based on the fact that changes in the earth's magnetic field over time can be recorded as remnant magnetism in materials such as baked clay ...
Archaeological culture
Archaeology; General archaeology
A constantly recurring assemblage of artefacts assumed to be representative of a particular set of behavioural activities carried out at a particular time and place (cf. culture).
Physical anthropology
Archaeology; General archaeology
The scientific study of the physical characteristics, variability, and evolution of the human organism.
Archaeology; General archaeology
A fragment removed from a core or nucleus of cryptocrystalline or fine-grained rock by percussion or pressure. May be used as a tool with no further deliberate modification, may be retouched, or may ...