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General architecture

Here you can find all the terms related to architecture.

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General architecture

Ball flower

Architecture; General architecture

An architectural ornament in the form of a ball inserted in the cup of a flower, which came into use in the latter part of the 13th, and was in great vogue in the early part of the 14th century.


Architecture; General architecture

Also known as a quadriportico - a four-sided portico. The closest modern parallel would be a colonnaded quadrangle.

Barrel vault

Architecture; General architecture

A ceiling or roof consisting of a continuous semicircular or pointed arch. Also known as a tunnel vault.


Architecture; General architecture

A temple which is like the dipteral temple except for omitting the inner row of columns.


Architecture; General architecture

The triangular section of a wall on the side of a building with a double-pitched roof.

Hip roof

Architecture; General architecture

A type of roof where all sides slope downwards to the walls.


Architecture; General architecture

Originally a Roman, large roofed hall erected for transacting business and disposing of legal matters.; later the term came to describe an aisled building with a clerestory. mediaeval cathedral plans ...

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