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General architecture
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General architecture
Architecture; General architecture
Intercolumniation defined by Vitruvius as being of the best proportion, i.e. two and a quarter diameters.
Architecture; General architecture
Interval of the intercolumniation of the Doric column, which is observed by the intervention of one triglyph only between the triglyphs which come over the axes of the columns. This is the usual ...
Architecture; General architecture
Internal compartments of a building; each divided from the other by subtle means such as the boundaries implied by divisions marked in the side walls (columns, pilasters, etc.) or the ceiling (beams, ...
Architecture; General architecture
In Roman architecture, the vestibule or portico of a public building opening on to the forum, as in the basilica of Eumactria at Pompeii, and the basilica of Constantine at Rome, where it was placed ...
Architecture; General architecture
Islamic architectural term for the tribune raised upon columns, from which the Koran is recited and the prayers intoned by the Imam of the mosque.
Architecture; General architecture
In the classical orders, this describes columns rather thickly set, with an intercolumniation to which two diameters are assigned.
Architecture; General architecture
Inner court of a Roman or C20 house; in a multi-story building, a toplit covered court rising through all stories.