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General astrology
Astrology consists of a number of belief systems which hold that there is a relationship between visible astronomical phenomena and events in the human world.
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General astrology
Astrology; General astrology
Types of charts used by ancient and mediæval astrologers to determine length of life.
Dissociate aspect
Astrology; General astrology
Aspect within orb, but not within the bounds of the aspecting sign.
Astrology; General astrology
The doctrine that all events are predetermined by fate and are therefore unalterable. A widespread criticism of astrology by its opponents is that astrology entails either a fatalistic belief in ...
Feminine planets
Astrology; General astrology
Moon; Venus; probably Neptune, despite the mythology. Some modern astrologers assign gender to asteroids also, so we have Ceres, Juno, Vesta and Pallas Athena all being considered feminine.
Fiery element
Astrology; General astrology
One of the four astrological elements. A masculine element, it stands for action, positivity, matters to do with spirituality and so on. The other elements are Water, Air and Earth.
Astrology; General astrology
Difficult aspect of 165 degrees, named for 19th Century astrologer, Edward L. Johndro, who wrote extensively on it.