Contributors in General boating
General boating
Loaded to the gunwales
Boat; General boating
Literally, having cargo loaded as high as the ship's rail; also means extremely drunk.
Buoyed up
Boat; General boating
Lifted by a buoy, especially a cable that has been lifted to prevent it from trailing on the bottom.
Boat; General boating
Large mass of sand or earth, formed by the surge of the sea. They are mostly found at the entrances of great rivers or havens, and often render navigation extremely dangerous, but confer tranquilly ...
Boat; General boating
Members of a ship's company not required to serve watches. These were in general specialist tradesmen such as the carpenter and the sailmaker.
Boat; General boating
Moment at dawn where, from some point on the mast, a lookout can see above low lying mist which envelops the ship.