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General boating

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General boating

Marines soldiers afloat

Boat; General boating

Royal Marines formed as the Duke of York and Albany's Maritime Regiment of Foot in 1664 with many and varied duties including providing guard to ship's officers should there be mutiny aboard. ...

Navigation rules

Boat; General boating

Rules of the road that provide guidance on how to avoid collision and also used to assign blame when a collision does occur.

Running rigging

Boat; General boating

Rigging used to manipulate sails, spars, etc. in order to control the movement of the ship. Cf. standing rigging.


Boat; General boating

Originally a series of pipes fitted through the ships side from inside the thicker deck waterway to the topside planking to drain water overboard, larger quantities drained through freeing ports, ...

Halyard or halliard

Boat; General boating

Originally, ropes used for hoisting a spar with a sail attached; today, a line used to raise the head of any sail.

Principal warfare officer (PWO)

Boat; General boating

One of a number of Warfare branch specialist officers.


Boat; General boating

On board a ship, all "stairs" are called ladders, except for literal staircases aboard passenger ships. Most "stairs" on a ship are narrow and nearly vertical, hence the name. Believed to be from the ...

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