Contributors in General boating
General boating
Slush fund
Boat; General boating
The money obtained by the cook selling slush ashore. Used for the benefit of the crew (or the cook).
Cape horn fever
Boat; General boating
The name of the fake illness a malingerer is pretending to suffer from.
Boat; General boating
The lowest square sail on each mast– The mainsail, foresail, and the mizzen on a four masted ship (the after most mast usually sets a gaff driver or spanker instead of a square sail).
Boat; General boating
The raised edge of a hatch, cockpit or skylight to help keep out water.
Boat; General boating
The point under International Rules of the Road (Navigation Rules) at which the privileged (or stand-on) vessel on collision course with a burdened (or give-way) vessel determines it must manoeuvre ...
Arc of visibility
Boat; General boating
The portion of the horizon over which a lighted aid to navigation is visible from seaward.
Boat; General boating
The opening in the side of the ship or in a turret through which the gun fires or protrudes.