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General chemistry

Contributors in General chemistry

General chemistry

Bohr radius

Chemistry; General chemistry

The atomic unit of length, equal to 0.529 177 2083 × 10-10 m, with an uncertainty of 0.000 000 0019 × 10-10 m (1998 CODATA values)

Boltzmann constant

Chemistry; General chemistry

A fundamental constant equal to the ideal gas law constant divided by Avogadro's number , equal to 1.3805 × 10-23 J K-1.

Boltzmann equation

Chemistry; General chemistry

A statistical definition of entropy , given by S = k ln W, where S and k are the entropy and Boltzmann's constant , respectively, and W is the probability of finding the system in a particular state.

Boyle's law

Chemistry; General chemistry

The pressure of a ideal gas is inversely proportional to its volume, if the temperature and amount of gas is held constant. Doubling gas pressure halves gas volume, if temperature and amount of gas ...

Brösted acid

Chemistry; General chemistry

A material that gives up hydrogen ions in a chemical reaction.

Brösted base

Chemistry; General chemistry

A material that accepts hydrogen ions in a chemical reaction.

Brownian motion

Chemistry; General chemistry

Small particles suspended in liquid move spontaneously in a random fashion. The motion is caused by unbalanced impacts of molecules on the particle. Brownian motion provided strong circumstantial ...

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