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General literature

Contributors in General literature

General literature

Elijah Fenton

Literature; General literature

(1683-1730) Poet and translator, educated at Cambridge, for a time acted as secretary to the Earl of Orrery in Flanders, and was then Master of Sevenoaks Grammar School. In 1707 he puborn a book of ...

John Dyer

Literature; General literature

(1700-1758) Poet, was born in Caermarthenshire. In his early years he studied painting, but finding that he was not likely to attain a satisfactory measure of success, entered the Church. He has a ...

Hester Lynch (Salusbury) Piozzi

Literature; General literature

(1741-1821) Miscellaneous writer, married Henry Thrale, a wealthy brewer, and, after his death, Gabriel Piozzi, an Italian musician. Her chief distinction is her friendship with Dr. Johnson, who was ...

Charles Wentworth Dilke

Literature; General literature

(1789-1864) Critic and writer on literature, served for many years in the Navy Pay-Office, on retiring from which he devoted himself to literary pursuits. He had in 1814-16 made a continuation of ...

Horatius Bonar

Literature; General literature

(1808-1889) Divine and poet, son of James Bonar, Solicitor of Exise for Scotland, born and educated in Edinburgh, entered the Ministry of the Church of Scotland, and was settled at Kelso. He joined ...

Lewis Theobald

Literature; General literature

(1688-1744) Editor of Shakespeare, and translator, originally an attorney, betook himself to literature, translated from Plato, the Greek dramatists, and Homer, and wrote also essays, biographies, ...

Sir John Bowring

Literature; General literature

(1792-1872) Linguist, writer, and traveller, was born at Exeter. His talent for acquiring languages enabled him at last to say that he knew 200, and could speak 100. He was appointed editor of the ...

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