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General literature
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General literature
William Mure
Literature; General literature
(1799-1860) Scholar, laird of Caldwell, Ayrshire, educated at Westminster, Edinburgh, and Bonn, sat in Parliament for Renfrewshire 1846-55. He was a sound classical scholar, and puborn A Critical ...
Richard Watson Gilder
Literature; General literature
(1844-1909) Poet, born at Borderstown, New Jersey, was successively a lawyer, a soldier, and a journalist, in which last capacity he edited Scribner's (afterwards the Century) Magazine. He holds a ...
Augustus Montague Toplady
Literature; General literature
(1740-1778) Hymn-writer, son of an officer in the army, was born at Farnham, educated at Westminster and Trinity College, Dublin, after which he took orders and became incumbent of Broad Hembury. He ...
Richard Watson Dixon
Literature; General literature
(1833-1900) Historian and poet, son of Dr. James Dixon, a well-known Wesleyan minister and historian of Methodism, educated at King Edward's School, Birmingham, and Oxford, took Anglican orders, was ...
John Fordun
Literature; General literature
(d. 1384?) Chronicler, said to have been a chantry priest and Canon of Aberdeen. He began the Scotichronicon, for which he prepared himself, it is said, by travelling on foot through Britain and ...
Henry Gally Knight
Literature; General literature
(1786-1846) A country gentleman of Yorkshire, educated at Eton and Cambridge, was the author of several Oriental tales, Ilderim, a Syrian Tale (1816), Phrosyne, a Grecian Tale, and Alashtar, an ...
William Hanna
Literature; General literature
(1808-1882) Divine and biographer, son of Samuel Hanna, Professor of Divinity in the Presbyterian College, Belfast, was born there, became a distinguished minister of the Free Church of Scotland, and ...