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General literature

Contributors in General literature

General literature

Thomas Buchanan Read

Literature; General literature

(1822-1872) American poet, was a portrait-painter, and lived much abroad. He wrote a prose romance, The Pilgrims of the Great St. Bernard, and several books of poetry, including The New Pastoral, The ...

John of Trevisa

Literature; General literature

(1326-1412) Translator, a Cornishman, educated at Oxford, was Vicar of Berkeley, Gloucestershire, and chaplain to the 4th Lord Berkeley, and Canon of Westbury. He translated for his patron the ...

John Flavel

Literature; General literature

(1627-1691) Divine, born at Bromsgrove, studied at Oxford, was a Presbyterian, and was settled at Dartmouth, but ejected from his living in 1662, continuing, however, to preach there secretly. He was ...

Jacob Abbott

Literature; General literature

(1803-1879) Educationalist and miscellaneous author, born at Hallowell, Maine, educated at Bowdoin College and Andover, entered the ministry of the Congregational Church, but was best known as an ...

Charles Cowden Clarke

Literature; General literature

(1787-1877) Writer on Shakespeare, was a publisher in London. He lectured on Shakespeare and on European literature. Latterly he lived in France and Italy. His wife, Mary C.-C. (1809-1898), daughter ...

Locker-Frederick Lampson

Literature; General literature

(1821-1895) Poet, son of the secretary of Greenwich Hospital, held appointments in Somerset House and the Admiralty. He wrote a number of clever vers de societé, which were coll. as London Lyrics ...

John Nichol

Literature; General literature

(1833-1894) Poet and biographer, son of John P. Nichol, Professor of Astronomy in Glasgow, educated at Glasgow and Oxford, and held the chair of English Literature in Glasgow, 1862-1889. Among his ...

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